Martial Arts Organization

Hi, my name is Master Dr. S.S.Khan , Founder & Chief Instructor of Simna Martial Arts Organization India
want to take a moment to welcome you to our Website and to say THANK YOU for considering Martial Arts for you or your child. I've taught Martial Arts and Self Defense classes for years and as you can imagine, I've seen every kind of personality you can think of in a child. Rambunctious, shy, defiant, complacent...every child is different, with special gifts to give and challenges to overcome, and I've seen Martial Arts classes help every single one of them find their inner strength, peace, and focus.
We've seen ultra-shy kids burst out of their shell, ADD and ADHD kids learn how to control themselves, socially awkward kids learn how to make and keep friends, and even helped special needs children find a place to fit in and feel accepted. So, what I'll do on this page is tell you a little about what our focus is in our classes, and what methods we use to achieve our results. Take a look at what we do, and see if our philosophy on the Martial Arts mat lines up with your goals as a parent, and if what we teach would be beneficial in your child's life. Again, THANK YOU for considering Martial Arts - it was literally the BEST thing that ever happened to me when I was young, and I think it's possible that it could be the same for your child.

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About us
Simna Martial Arts Organization was founded on the 2nd of October 1997 by Sifu A.K.Pandey and Master Dr.S.S.Khan with a view of providing quality Martial Arts and Self Defense education with high class professional infrastructure at affordable prices in Delhi and all over India . Today, Simna Martial Arts Organization is one of the better known names for high quality Martial Arts and Self Defense education .
Simna Martial Arts Organization has been featured on many national newspapers as the best in its field. SMAO was awarded “The Best Martial Arts and Self Defense Training Organization in Delhi” in April 2009 at the Brands Martial Arts and Self Defense Business and Service Excellence Awards. In 2016, Simna Martial Arts Organization was awarded the “Certificate of Excellence” by International Combat Martial Arts Unions Association (Sofia-Bulgariya)
It stands as one of the country’s most visible Martial Arts and Self Defense Organization on the Internet with 97000 visits in all of 2016.
The Simna Martial Arts Organization provides opportunities like best masters classes, paid international and national Martial artist workshops and Various Championships / Tournaments to students.
SMAO is also the preferred destination for foreigners visiting India interested in learning about Simna Martial Arts/Karate/Taikwondo/Kick Boxing/Wing-Chun/Krav Maga and other Martial Arts forms
Simna Martial Arts Organization’s 15 Days Martial Arts and Self Defense training programe is a submission of Wing Chun, Krav Maga, Karate/Taikwondo and Traditional Kungfu is called “Simna Martial Arts and Self Defense Level 01 Programe ” and has been made popular by various Martial Arts websites.
Other services offered include conducting fitness/ Martial Arts and Self Defense programe at various Martial Arts Schools/Federations/Associations in Delhi and all over in India Our Martial Arts and Self Defense classes have received excellent reviews from our Students. Our Martial Art Students has performed at various Martial Art events around the country and is reputed for being professional and coordinated. With many hundreds of families serviced for Self Protection and Fitness.
The emphasis at Simna Martial Arts Organization has always been on providing Martial Arts and Self Defense education that matters, on managing the centers professionally – starting and ending classes on time, providing a comfortable environment to students, choosing well
Monday / Wednesday / Friday
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Special Self Defense Classes for working Male / Female
Master Dr.S.S.Khan
Janakpuri & Rajouri Garden
Senpei Annie Patwal
Sagarpur , Dabri , Dwarka
Sensei Neeraj Vats
Tilak Nagar , Vikaspuri & Paschim Vihar
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