Martial Arts Organization
Pre K Kids Program
Our Pre K program, also known as our "Tiny Tots Simna Warriors" program, is specifically structured with this age group in mind. It is designed to teach and reinforce positive behaviors through easily relatable fun activities that focus on self control, coordination, and building self esteem, as well as many other important ideals and traits.
Our belief is that the younger students can start Martial Arts the more accomplished our students will become in Martial Arts and life in general. There is a noticeable improvement in our simna warriors listening and focusing skills, as well as their self control, as they progress through our program.
Our instructors work closely with our simna warriors and their parents to address any concerns or behavior problems that our students may be exhibiting. We can accomplish this by providing a safe, positive environment where our simna warriors can learn for themselves - what is the right thing to do and have a great time in the process.
Here are just a few of the benefits your child will experience from our Pre K Program:
Increased Levels of Self-Control
Coordination and Improved Sports Skills
Socialization with a group of children their own age
Improved Focus
Life and Safety Skills (i.e. - Stranger Danger, Anti-Drug, Traffic Safety etc.)
When and where to use Martial Arts and when not to
Increased Self-Esteem and Confidence as they prepare to enter Grade School
To get your child started in this awesome program
Grade School Kids Program
Our Grade School program has been designed with both our parents and students in mind. We provide a positive learning environment where our students can continue to grow and improve on what their parents are teaching at home. For this age group our students will learn what it means to be a great kid.
We improve self esteem, respect, focus, and integrity among a multitude of key aspects parents are looking to foster in their developing children. Parents will notice that our modern approach to teaching martial arts not only focuses on self defense and stranger danger but also and just as important arming our students with the tools that make their goals achievable. Our goal as instructors is to encourage and support our students to succeed in our schools as well as outside of them.
Here are just a few of the benefits your child will experience from our Grade School Program:
Self Esteem and Confidence
Developing Leadership Skills
Improved Grades
Improved Focus and Self Control
Stranger Danger
When and where to use Martial Arts and when not to
Increased Respect to Parent, Teachers, and Peers
Improved Listening Skills
Come join us to experience the difference Martial Arts America can make
Middle School Kids Program
At Simna Martial Arts Organization , we realize that kids are growing up faster than they used to. Our program reflects that change and helps to provide children and their parents with a resource to deal with this. We provide a safe, fun, and positive environment where your child will be surrounded with positive role models, adults and peers alike. They will be encouraged to be leaders in and out of our schools and be given the confidence and self esteem to do so.
Simna Martial Arts Organization does teach children how to defend themselves...but not in the hard-core, violent way you might imagine. We teach our students to be safe by using a common sense approach to protection. This means understanding self-defense techniques, self-defense strategy, and conflict resolution techniques. We also teach body language concepts to our students. Things related to body posture, eye contact, and voice. Things that are designed to give your child a confident appearance...an appearance that communicates, "I am a nice person." and importantly, "I am not a person you can shove around."
Another area of emphasis is physical fitness. We develop fundamental athletic skills. Important skills like coordination, flexibility, and body balance. Skills that are required for Taikwondo, Karate, Kick Boxig, and wing-chun...but usually aren’t taught very well. They are simply expected. If you have them, you do well. But if you don’t, you're left behind. But the fact is, those skills are teachable. And when we develop them in our class , it just sends the kids back to the dojo , back to gym class -- not only more capable, but also more confident in that environment.
Our greatest area of emphasis represents our uniqueness...and also what parents like best about our program. That is the way that we teach the attitude skills of the Martial Arts, self-control, self-confidence, positive thinking, listening skills, respect, and good manners, perseverance and courage. What is really powerful about our program is that it doesn’t just teach our students about these skills, they actually experience these important skills in our classroom. And they are then taught how to apply these skills when they are away from here.
So, academically, socially, and within the home, our students are empowered to perform at higher levels. And, what makes it work, what holds all three parts together, is just that it’s so much fun. The teachers are really wonderful people. Ours is a friendship based system and we are sure your child will love learning Martial Arts at Simna Martial Arts Organization.
High School Program
We all know that the teenage years can be hard. As teenagers leave childhood behind and are preparing for the adult world that lies ahead, Simna Martial Arts Organization can be a great resource for teenagers and their parents as well.Teenagers are seeking more independence and parents want make sure they are prepared to handle it properly and make good choices. At Simna Martial Arts Organization we surround our students with positive role models. We provide teenagers with a fun, safe environment to learn new skills. As they do this, they gain confidence in themselves giving them a proven boost of self esteem. This confidence is one of the best things we can give our teenage students. It allows them to be able to stand up for themselves in real life situations which challenge them every day. Whether it be bullying, drugs, or peer pressure our teens have the skills and confidence to make the right choices and feel good about them.
We are also a great resource for parents. Our instructors are wonderful, caring people and positive role models. They are always available to listen to any concerns you are having with your teenager and they will always do their best to help in any way they can. Lots of times all it takes is an outside positive influence from someone that your teenager looks up to and respects. We feel the more people that surround your child providing a positive influence the better, not only instructors but peers their own age dealing with their same issues.
Self Defense builds confidence. Having the knowledge that you can handle yourself in any situation gives teenagers the ability to have increased self esteem. Plus they get to learn all the cool stuff they are interested in. At this age, they are physically capable of doing pretty much whatever they set their minds on. We help to build strong bodies and minds and give them the skills to accomplish their goals.
We teach our students to be leaders – not followers. We all know that the right choice is not always the easy one but we empower are students to be individuals and have a place to go where they are always encouraged and praised for doing the right thing. We also believe that to earn respect, trust, and independence you have to respect others. That goes for parents, siblings, teachers, peers, and everyone they come into contact with in order to gain the freedom that they desire at this age.
To experience for yourself what Simna Martial Arts Organization can offer your teenager
Join us and enjoy the programe